Re: GameTime!™

You know what they say Lou, opinions are like A**-Holes. Everyone has one. I just have a few more than others :P
“Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday's success or put its failures behind and start over again. That's the way life is, with a new game every day, and that's the way baseball is.”
-- Bob Feller

Re: GameTime!™

Sounds like an opinion without basis unless you have read the posts.
Some pretty petty stuff Lou. Waste of time to look back. Time to move on.
“Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday's success or put its failures behind and start over again. That's the way life is, with a new game every day, and that's the way baseball is.”
-- Bob Feller

Re: GameTime!™

rusty2 wrote:Attendance 9,474 (22.4% full) - % is based on regular season capacity

This is after 7 of 8, 4 home runs, including a 460 foot blast that almost hit the scoreboard.

What will the attendance be after 8 of 9 ?
Probably not much more. Clevelanders are so jaded it'll take a deep playoff run, maybe one or more to get the stadium filled like in the 90's.

They may start Watching games, or listening to them more, but they aren't gonna put too much effort into it. Why should they. I would think for a family of four it would cost roughly 300 bucks to go to one game. Even with dollar hot dogs. I think over the past 10 years people got sick of shelling out that kind of money to watch the team lose, and a little winning streak early in the season isn't going to help.
Now put together a run like this in August September, make a pennant race out of it, then maybe you'll see some increase.

I'm sure that right now, unless someone already had tickets and planned to go to a Wednesday night game, you aren't going to see much more. Kids still have school, people have to work in the morning (Or at night). Nobody is saying to themselves," hey the Tribe just won 7 of their last 8 games. Lets drop what we are doing and go spend too much money that we need to pay bills and go see if they make it 8 of 9. " No they'll watch it or listen to it and say to themselves. If the team has a winning record in August maybe I'll buy some tickets.

Thats the reality of it. Hell as much as I want to, I haven't purchased the audio, because I can't see myself waking up at 3:00AM to listen to a baseball game. Not right now. Maybe later in the season. Last years epic collapse hurt the team big time.
Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet.

Re: GameTime!™

The fans are not going to come back as quickly as we would all like. They are 16-14 after several lousy seasons. A 500 foot home run or a 10 game hot streak mean nothing. They have had great starts the last couple years and flopped. Why would the "casual" fans think this year is any different? When school lets out and they are still competing in July or August, they will return. Make the playoffs or at least come very close and season ticket sales will climb.

Re: GameTime!™

I think it needs mentioning that Gomes was an important factor in last night's win. Knocked in the only run with a deep SF, threw out a base stealer in th 9th with a hell of a throw, and, obviously, called a good game. Will be sad to see him sent down.

Re: GameTime!™

Not coming back and only having 9,000 fans are 2 different things. The average of the next smallest attendance is 18,000. If the Florida Marlins are not a major league market then what is Cleveland ?

Don't kid yourself. 5,000 season tickets means that you do not have the local business base to support a major league baseball team.