So! What are we saying? It's OK for a corrupt GOP to cast mail-in ballots but the cheating Democrats can't participate???
Just saw on the news where Trump says it's OK for citizens in Florida & Texas to cast mail in ballots!!

So! Just who are some of the folks in Trump world that mail in their votes:
“Well sure, I could vote by mail,” Trump responded, explaining away the dissonance by saying he wasn’t able to get down to his primary residence in Florida to do so — despite visiting his golf course in the state at least 89 times since becoming president. In all, Trump has voted by mail or submitted an absentee ballot in at least three elections.
Like Trump, the First Lady also cast a mail-in ballot in Florida's Republican primary this March. The New York Daily News reported that she also tried to vote absentee in New York City's 2017 mayoral election, but her vote wasn't counted because she failed to properly sign the envelope containing her ballot.
Jared Kushner requested a mail-in ballot but did not send one in.
Ivanka Trump sent her ballot in past the deadline.
Is this a dysfunctional family or what?
Pence and his wife voted earlier this year using their old address at the Indiana governor's mansion, Business Insider first reported. The couple voted using the address when they submitted their absentee ballots in the state's June primary, even though they have not lived there since December 2016. Both the Vice President and Second Lady cast absentee ballots at that address in the 2018 primary and general elections and in the Indiana 2020 primary elections this spring, Insider's Tom LoBianco reported.
Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany has voted by mail 11 times in 10 years. McEnany, a Florida native, had voted absentee in every election she had participated in since 2010. McEnany has defended Trump’s assault on vote-by-mail, insisting, like her boss, that it invites election fraud. But, also like her boss, McEnany has taken advantage of its convenience time and time again.
Florida does not have absentee voting. Anyone can vote by mail here without a reason. The Times asked McEnany if Florida should change its law to restrict voting by mail to those unable to vote in person. The story will be updated if she responds.
Attorney General Bill Barrr voted absentee in the 2012 and 2019 elections, the Washington Post reported.
Wilbur Ross, 82, has voted absentee in 15 of the last 15 elections, including the Florida primary in March,
Betsy DeVos, meanwhile, has permanent absentee voting status in Michigan.
White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, a New Jersey native, voted by mail in the state's Bergen County in the 2018 midterm elections, the Huffington Post reported. New Jersey allows any voter to cast a mail-in ballot without an excuse and allows voters to elect to vote by mail permanently.
Trump administration staffer Alex Azar. voted absentee.
RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel repeatedly voted by mail before leading California mail voting lawsuit, according to voting records obtained by @ProgressMich. McDaniel has shared her own criticisms of voting by mail, calling Democratic bills to expand absentee voting amid a pandemic an effort that “vastly expand[s] opportunities for fraud and weaken confidence in our elections.”
Campaign Manager Brad Parscale encountered a series of problems receiving his absentee ballot from Texas and missed the deadline,” Parscale told CBS News last week. For the 2018 midterms, Parscale stepped up and voted by mail.
Melania Trump's chief of staff and former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham voted by mail in the 2016 presidential election in her home state of Arizona, which allows any voter to cast a mail-in ballot without an excuse.
Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, who worked as a top lobbyist at defense contractor Raytheon before joining the Trump administration, voted absentee in Virginia in 2008, 2012, and 2016, Bonier told Insider.
Senior Trump campaign advisor Nick Ayers, Pence's former chief of staff, has voted absentee in Georgia since 2014, the Associated Press reported. Georgia allows any voter to cast an absentee ballot without an excuse.
Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue the former governor of Georgia, signed into law a bill that allows all Georgia voters to cast an absentee ballot without an excuse back in 2006. He's voted absentee himself in every election since then, Bonier told Insider, citing public records.
Senior Trump campaign official — chief operating officer Michael Glassner has repeatedly voted by mail in New Jersey. Glassner has voted absentee four times since 2016. That includes a general election ballot that was rejected by election officials in 2019.
Trump deputy campaign manager Bill Stepien has also repeatedly voted by mail in New Jersey. Stepien has voted seven times by mail since 2006, the records show.
Trump’s unrelenting attacks on the integrity of mail-in voting are puzzling for a variety of reasons, not least because they are unfounded. But they’re particularly awkward for Republican leaders—especially those allied with the president—who need their voters to continue using a system Trump is trying to discredit. the president has, for example, gone after Michigan’s Democratic secretary of state, Jocelyn Benson, for mailing absentee-ballot applications to every voter in the state as part of an effort to avoid depressed turnout due to the coronavirus pandemic. GOP leaders in several other states have done the same thing.
Other Republicans question Trump’s attacks on voting by mail as a matter of political strategy. “It’s tough to imagine you’d want to disenfranchise the 25 percent of Americans who voted [by mail] in the election you won.
Tom Ridge, the Republican former Pennsylvania governor and homeland-security secretary, is now helping to lead a bipartisan group called VoteSafe that promotes mail-in balloting. He noted that Trump has the built-in advantages of incumbency and an enormous campaign war chest that he could use to mobilize his base with a mail-in-balloting drive. “Why he would be sowing, potentially, seeds of doubt for an outcome when he’s got all these assets perfectly aligned to maximize support from an absentee-ballot perspective is beyond belief,” Ridge said.
In a number of states, mail-in voting is particularly popular among older and rural voters, who tend to favor Republicans. “We did it principally to encourage seniors and winter visitors who re-registered [in Arizona] to vote,” Coughlin told me. “His base and Republicans are much better at returning ballots” by mail.
And it means that GOP leaders in many of these states are telling their voters to support Trump—and also, implicitly, to ignore him. “We’re giving people the choice,” Gruters, the Florida GOP chairman, told me. “If you want to vote by mail, vote by mail.”
Officials identified just 372 possible cases of double voting or voting on behalf of deceased people out of about 14.6 million votes cast by mail in the 2016 and 2018 general elections, or 0.0025 percent.