Re: Politics

Tulsa braces for Trump's 'wild evening' amid unrest and coronavirus fears

Rally draws outrage from black communities

Campaign confirms six staffers tested positive for Covid-19

The city of Tulsa, Oklahoma is braced for Donald Trump’s first campaign rally since the coronavirus pandemic struck the United States, claiming more than 118,000 lives, plunging the economy into recession and leading to widespread criticism of a botched response to a crisis that has seen the president’s approval ratings tank.

The indoor rally, at Tulsa’s 19,000-capacity BOK Center, comes as city and state experience a surge in Covid-19 cases and local public health officials urge the campaign to reschedule the event, over fears that the close contact between attendees – who will not be forced to wear face masks – could lead to more deaths.

On Saturday, the Trump campaign confirmed that six staffers working on the rally had tested positive for Covid-19. The campaign said “quarantine procedures were immediately implemented” and “no Covid-positive staffers or anyone in immediate contact” would be at the rally.

On Friday, Trump promised a “wild evening” for his supporters and used Twitter to threaten “protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes” that they would “not be treated” in the same way they have in other parts of the country.

Trump’s decision to hold a mass rally in Tulsa has drawn outrage from the local black community as well as others who have poured on to the streets in protest following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis last month...

Tulsa’s city health director, Dr Bruce Dart, has said publicly throughout the week that he wants the event to be postponed, noting the likelihood of coronavirus spread during the rally as cases in Oklahoma continue to drastically spike to new highs over the past few days.

The Trump campaign has made attendees sign waivers accepting they will not hold the president or the campaign responsible if they contract the virus. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Earlier in the week a senior campaign official, Marc Lotter, told the Guardian that “at-risk” individuals should stay away from the rally and watch it on television. Federal guidance states at-risk groups including those over 65, residents of care homes and those with underlying conditions.

Despite Lotter’s warnings, Trump has issued no such statement and the invite for the online campaign event makes no reference to at risk groups.

At the BOK Center on Saturday, Trump lawyer Pam Bondi, a former Florida attorney general, told the Guardian: “We hope that people are going to stay socially distanced, are going to wear a mask, [use] hand sanitiser and be respectful of each other. :roll: :roll: :roll:

“It’s not a legal requirement, it’s people’s own free choice. But we hope everyone will be peaceful and happy and have a great rally and social distance”

Six Trump campaign aides in Tulsa test positive for coronavirus ahead of rally

Six members of the Trump campaign’s advance team in Tulsa ahead of Saturday’s rally have tested positive for coronavirus, NBC News is reporting.

Tim Murtaugh, communications director for the Trump campaign, said the six staffers were a small fraction of the hundreds of tested performed and “quarantine procedures were immediately implemented”.

“No Covid-positive staffers or anyone in immediate contact will be at today’s rally or near attendees or elected officials,” Murtaugh said in a statement. “As previously announced, all rally attendees are given temperature checks before going through security, at which point they are given wristbands, facemasks and hand sanitizer.”


McSally Clings to Trump Train as Arizona Becomes COVID ‘Nightmare’


Arizona is increasingly becoming a COVID-19 hotspot, but that isn't stopping the president and one of the most vulnerable GOPers in the Senate from welcoming a rally to the state.

Scott Bixby
National Reporter
Updated Jun. 20, 2020 9:29AM ET / Published Jun. 20, 2020 5:01AM ET

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump’s insistence that his campaign recommence holding massive rallies will bring him to the heart of the state with one of the highest increases in new COVID-19 infections in the country.

But in addition to the well-documented health risks of a crowded indoor event in a state where more than 2,500 new cases of the disease caused by the novel coronavirus were announced as recently as Thursday, the president’s appearance at a “Students for Trump” event on June 23 threatens the health not just of Arizona voters, but of the reelection chances of one of his staunchest allies—who may not even be attending. ... e?ref=home

Florida Is Breaking Record After Record for COVID-19 Infections


Tracy Connor Executive Editor

Published Jun. 20, 2020 1:59PM ET

Florida reported 4,049 new coronavirus cases on Saturday, shattering the record that had been set only the day before. The state also announced 44 people died in the last day, including a 17-year-old boy. As the onslaught unfolds, Gov. Ron DeSantis continues to downplay the threat—insisting that increased testing is the cause and that most of the newly sick are young people. But public health experts say Florida is on the verge of becoming the pandemic’s new epicenter and that DeSantis’ rushed reopening has helped fuel the spike. DeSantis has vowed not to lock down the state again, but local leaders are implementing mandatory mask orders in a desperate attempt to stop COVID-19 from spreading. ... s?ref=home

Trump: Elderly Buffalo Protester ‘Had to Get Hurt’ by Cops


Tracy Connor Executive Editor

Published Jun. 19, 2020 4:23PM ET

The elderly Buffalo peace activist shoved to the ground by cops during anti-racism protests is still in the hospital with a skull fracture, unable to walk. And here’s what the president of the United States had to say about him: “Too bad he had to get hurt.” In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, President Trump essentially said the fact that Martin Gugino has a brain injury and can’t walk is his own fault. “These police, they meant business,” he said of the night in question. “They were walking and he puts himself right there. And you could tell they knew him. They knew him. But he’s had a long history. Too bad he had to get hurt.” After the incident, Trump tweeted that Gugino might be antifa, but has now backed off that completely unsubstantiated claim. “That I don’t know,” he said. The officers who shoved Gugino have been charged with assault. ... e?ref=home

Judge Denies Trump Admin’s Attempt to Stop John Bolton’s Tell-All Book


Barbie Latza Nadeau Correspondent-At-Large

Updated Jun. 20, 2020 1:22PM ET /

Published Jun. 20, 2020 10:50AM ET

A District Court judge in Washington, D.C. has denied an injunction attempt by the Trump administration to stop former National Security Adviser John Bolton’s tell-all book from being sold in bookstores from June 23. In a ruling handed down Saturday morning, Judge Royce C. Lamberth wrote that Bolton’s book, The Room Where it Happened, has already been widely distributed to news media for excerpt and 200,000 copies have been shipped across the country. The judge wrote, “given the widespread dissemination of the books, the ‘horse is already out of the barn’.”

The judge did not, however, side with Bolton’s claims that he did nothing wrong in publishing his scorching memoir. “Defendant Bolton has gambled with the national security of the United States. He has exposed his country to harm and himself to civil (and potentially criminal) liability,” Lamberth wrote. “But these facts do not control the motion before the Court. The government has failed to establish that an injunction will prevent irreparable harm. Its motion is accordingly DENIED.”

Trump called it a “BIG COURT WIN against Bolton,” writing on Twitter that the judge couldn’t have done much to stop the book’s release but still made “strong & powerful statements & rulings on MONEY & on BREAKING CLASSIFICATION.” He said Bolton will have a “really big price to pay. He likes dropping bombs on people, and killing them. Now he will have bombs dropped on him!” ... e?ref=home

“Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday's success or put its failures behind and start over again. That's the way life is, with a new game every day, and that's the way baseball is.”
-- Bob Feller

Democracy Dies In Darkness - WAPO

Re: Politics

Seagull, when I saw your last comment I was scrolling up from the bottom, and I assumed you were referring to all the statues, movies, and books that the radical far left idiots are cancelling right now.

I'm saddened to find out you are just upset that a tax payer funded broadcaster is now becoming balanced, instead of the far left mouthpiece it usually is. Like NPR.

But why has VOA found itself being corrected while NPR has been left alone? Because, for 80 years VOA has promoted American values and policies around the world. But here lately VOA has actually been repeating Chinese Communist Party propaganda. Trump can put up with a biased media, he's used to it. But you start promoting the enemy, you're lucky you don't get thrown in a labor camp.

It's a God damn shame anybody I know has a problem with that.

Re: Politics

Joe Z

Once again, the White House, when challenged by some in the media, released a report with a long list of cases of voter fraud by mail, and I posted that list here. Literally hundreds of cases.

And on top of that, I have posted many other cases not listed there.

It is an absolute fact.

As always, Joe never bothered reading it, and is too lazy to stop being ignorant.

And he cites, a group that anybody that knows anything knows is funded by the Annenberg Foundation. A group which has been far left ever since it's founder died, and has had members such as Weather Underground far left domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and his buddy Barack Obama. It is about as unbiased as a CNN anchor.

Re: Politics

The Purge is on.

Nazi Germany 1934
Kinda looking that way Seagull.

By shutting down the non-partisan VOA and making it his own world broadcasting system is a start. The truth being spread around the world faster than Covid in the world of Trump. Can you imagine that? The truth according to Trump! This is a dangerous path we're on.

With Trump now taking firm control over the justice department and making Bill Barr his puppet on a string doesn't look good on many fronts. With a Republican held Senate majority that doesn't give a shit about anything save for confirming Judges, whether they are qualified or not, they just roll over and play dead like a bunch of trick dogs is a sad commentary for the well-being, health, and safety of this country.

Just how far is Trump willing to go. Trump just turned a heavily armed military loose on American citizens during a peaceful protest in Washington. The protesters were violently ousted for chanting and singing. The crowd was dispersed by the use of teargas, pepper spray, rubber bullets and flash-bangs. The military involved in domestic politics. Trump then threatened the exceptional move of unilaterally sending in US troops to put down unrest in cities around the country if their mayors or governors were not able quickly to restore law and order. “I am your president of law and order,” Trump said. WOW!

Trump doesn't seem satisfied to have the DOJ under his control. Now he's after the military. What a deadly combination that is!! Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Defense Secretary Mark Esper were widely criticized for participating in the photo-op during the protest, with many former defense officials saying the two were helping Trump’s efforts to politicize the military.

Trump has tied the military into partisan politics in a new way, one that has transformed the military’s public image. He has made similar efforts in the Department of Justice and the federal judiciary, but making the armed forces a personal political tool may be the most significant.

Trump has repeatedly sent the message that the military is “his.” He has attacked political opponents during speeches to the troops, humiliated top Pentagon thinkers and strategists, and pardoned rogue operators accused of war crimes. Most recently, he had impeachment witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman escorted out of the White House.

The damage Trump has done to this country in 3+ looooong years is irreparable. Can you image what he will do if he is defeated in the next election with nearly three months left in his term in office?? I shudder to think. Could make Trump's obsession with Obama policies a walk in the park.

His wimpy war against the carona virus has been a national disaster. He has been responsible for thousands and thousands of deaths in this country and he will be expanding on those numbers with his rallies in cities and states where Covid positive cases and deaths are rising faster than a Pillsbury cake.

Speaking of Covid:

There is a New Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory out there that Claims COVID Contact Tracers Are Stealing Children.

Here is a top 10 list of additional conspiracy theories:

Blaming 5G
Bill Gates as scapegoat
The virus escaped from a Chinese lab
COVID was created as a biological weapon
The US military imported COVID into China
GMOs are somehow to blame
COVID-19 doesn’t actually exist
The pandemic is being manipulated by the ‘deep state’
COVID is a plot by Big Pharma
COVID death rates are inflated

I have a Conspiracy Theory of my own and some answers for Trump's lame excuses and apocalyptic handling of the carona virus.

My Theory:
One way to rid ourselves of Trump would be by defeating him in the November elections. The problem with that is the fact that the carona virus is disproportionately killing off black folks, people of color, and the elderly. This is the very populace that can make a defeat possible...but not if they keep dying at the rates that they are. So! Let's continue to hold those rallies. Let's continue to open up states that have cases and deaths spiraling out of control with no help from the federal government. Maybe Trump can eliminate the competition. Wouldn't put it past him because of his dislike for minorities.

In conclusion, God bless America and keep us safe and healthy. We need all the help we can get!

“Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday's success or put its failures behind and start over again. That's the way life is, with a new game every day, and that's the way baseball is.”
-- Bob Feller

Democracy Dies In Darkness - WAPO

Re: Politics

And I wasn’t going to bother cause it seems irrelevant with what is happening in the country right now, but I have a problem with the article Joe posted on power being given back to the states, as far as limitations on hunting bear, wolves, etc..

First of all, the article made it seem as if Trump lifted restrictions on hunting those animals in dens, or while swimming, or whatever. And yes, his actions did cause that. But all Trump himself did was put the power back into the hands of the states to regulate it as they see fit.

As a conservative I am always for state rights and limiting federal over-reach.

Now you may have a problem with the way some of these animals are hunted, and I admit, it is awful on the face. But a bureaucrat sitting in DC, or a pinko sitting in Chicago, may not realize just how plentiful some of these animals are in Alaska and how numbers need controlled. They may not realize the damage these animals do to a herd of cattle or sheep, or the damage deer and caribou may do to a vegetable crop or gardens. To ranchers and farmers who are just getting by as is.

For instance here in Montana where I live, it is always open season on Coyote due to the damage they cause here to ranchers. You can shoot a coyote any day, at any time, with any gun, without any permit or license. (Restrictions shooting inside city limits of course)

And Ryan Zeinke, being from Montana, knows the damage they do more than anybody, which is why he asked the President to lift those restrictions when he was secretary of interior.

I highly doubt Trump even knew what tactics some hunters used to kill some of those animals. But some try to act like he is the devil for allowing it. But I would say you guys in the city, next time you order a burger or steak or lamb chop, or buy veggies in the grocery store, try to have more of an appreciation for the ranchers and farmers who put it there, and the troubles they go through to do it.

Re: Politics


I don't trust anything this White House puts out. Especially the president. They have an honestly terrible record of lying and misrepresenting the truth.

I don't disagree with your list of voter fraud cases. In fact, i do agree.

As in my previous posting, let's be honest, 400 plus cases out of billions of votes is miniscule.
The False Narrative of Vote-by-Mail Fraud

Mail ballots are essential for holding a safe election amid Covid-19, and security concerns can be easily addressed.

If we are to have safe, healthy, and fair elections this year in the face one of the worst pandemics in a century, Americans must make widespread use of mail ballots. Election administrators and other leaders from across the political spectrum have urged support to make the necessary adjustments to their election infrastructure. They recognize we have no choice. Most Americans, including a majority of Republicans, agree.

President Trump and his allies, however, are pushing back against this option, raising spurious claims that fraudulent mail ballots will contaminate the election. “I think a lot of people cheat with mail-in voting,” Trump said earlier this week. “Mail in voting is a terrible thing. . . . I think if you vote, you should go,” he later added, not long after he requested a vote-by-mail ballot for the Florida primary. Shortly afterward, Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel echoed the president in a Fox News op-ed. (This is in sharp contrast to former chairman Michael Steele, who coauthored an op-ed arguing that “the current emergency demands expanded use of vote-by-mail,” and that “democracy depends on it.”)

Trump’s claims are wrong, and if used to prevent states from taking the steps needed to ensure public safety during November’s election, they will be deadly wrong. Mail ballot fraud is incredibly rare, and legitimate security concerns can be easily addressed.

Mail balloting is not a newfangled idea; it was already deeply embedded in the American electoral system before the coronavirus hit. In the last two federal elections, roughly one out of every four Americans cast a mail ballot. In five states — Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah, and Washington — mail balloting has been the primary method of voting. In 28 additional states, all voters have had the right to vote by mail ballot if they choose, without having to provide any reason or excuse. Over time, a growing number of voters have chosen that option. Since 2000 more than 250 million votes have been cast via mailed-out ballots, in all 50 states, according to the Vote at Home Institute. In 2018, more than 31 million Americans cast their ballots by mail, about 25.8 percent of election participants.

Despite this dramatic increase in mail voting over time, fraud rates remain infinitesimally small. None of the five states that hold their elections primarily by mail has had any voter fraud scandals since making that change. As the New York Times editorial board notes, “states that use vote-by-mail have encountered essentially zero fraud: Oregon, the pioneer in this area, has sent out more than 100 million mail-in ballots since 2000, and has documented only about a dozen cases of proven fraud.” Rounded to the seventh decimal point, that’s 0.0000001 percent of all votes cast. An exhaustive investigative journalism analysis of all known voter fraud cases identified only 491 cases of absentee ballot fraud from 2000 to 2012. As election law professor Richard L. Hasen notes, during that period “literally billions of votes were cast.” While mail ballots are more susceptible to fraud than in-person voting, it is still more likely for an American to be struck by lightning than to commit mail voting fraud.

States have multiple tools to address valid security concerns and protect election integrity when it comes to mail ballots. And recent technologies and strategies have significantly enhanced the security of mail balloting.

Identity verification: The principal method used to detect and prevent fraud is the mail ballot envelope itself, where each voter must include personal identifying information (such as address, birthday, and driver’s license number or last four digits of a Social Security number). In most states, that information includes a signature that can be used to match against the voter rolls. The voter’s remaining personal information is also matched against the information stored on the voter rolls. As Kim Wyman, Washington’s Republican secretary of state, explained, “we actually compare every single signature of every single ballot that comes in and we compare it and make sure that it matches the one on their voter registration record.” This is a long-standing and well-established practice to ensure that the ballot received was indeed cast by the correct voter. It’s important to note though that there are best and worst practices with signature matching. When done incorrectly, it can disenfranchise eligible voters. Done correctly — with signature matching software, bipartisan review by officials trained in signature verification, and outreach to flagged voters — it is an effective deterrent for fraud.

Bar codes: Most election jurisdictions now use some form of bar code on their ballot envelopes. These bar codes allow election officials to keep track of ballot processing and help voters know whether their ballot has been received. Bar codes also allow states to identify and eliminate duplicate ballots if a voter casts more than one, whether mistakenly or corruptly.

Ballot tracking through the U.S. Postal Service: In many jurisdictions, including California, Colorado and Florida, ballot envelopes are equipped with intelligent mail bar codes linked to the postal service that enable voters and election officials alike to track an envelope from drop-off to delivery and processing at the local administrator’s office. Denver’s elections division reported that 17,931 people used its system to track the status of their ballots during the November 2013 election. While relatively new, these ballot tracking systems are now readily available and are easily operable at scale. This way, if a voter says they never received their ballot, states can better determine whether the ballot was delivered, replace the ballot as appropriate, and ensure the original is flagged as compromised and not counted.

Secure drop-off locations and drop boxes: Multiple ballot return options limit the opportunity for ballot tampering by fostering voter independence in returning a ballot. A common layer of security to ensure that ballots are not stolen or tampered with — at least for voters who can leave their homes — is secure drop-off locations. In places where all or most voters receive ballots by mail, many voters do not mail completed ballots; rather, they opt to drop their ballots off at secure polling sites. According to the Survey of the Performance of American Elections at Harvard University in 2016, 73 percent of voters in Colorado, 59 percent in Oregon, and 65 percent in Washington returned their ballots to some physical location, such as a drop box or local election office.

Ballot drop-off locations help maintain a secure chain of custody as the ballot goes from the voter to the local election office. And when drop boxes are put outside of government offices, one security measure is to equip them with security cameras to monitor ballot traffic and ensure that the boxes are not breached. (Drop boxes in government buildings benefit from existing video security systems.) In addition to preventing fraud, secure drop-off locations enable voters to be confident that their ballots will be received on time.

Harsh penalties: Anyone who commits voter fraud using a mail ballot risks severe criminal and civil penalties: up to five years in prison and $10,000 in fines for each act of fraud under federal law, in addition to any state penalties. In Oregon, for example, voting with or signing another person’s ballot is a Class C felony punishable by up to five years in prison. These penalties provide a strong deterrent to voter fraud; it makes no sense to risk such significant punishment for one additional vote.

Postelection audits: In 2018, a review of returned absentee ballot records helped identify anomalies in the election results of Bladen County, North Carolina, enabling election officials to uncover election interference by a political operative who stole and tampered with mail ballots. Postelection audits, which many jurisdictions are starting to adopt, would more systematically enable election officials to identify any irregularities or misconduct in the vote. Audits typically use statistical techniques to review a sample of ballots cast in an election to ensure that votes were recorded and tallied accurately. Since audits can only be meaningfully carried out when there is a voter-verified paper record of each vote, mail ballots (which are paper-based), are conducive to effective audits. Postelection audits are already widely used in states that use mail voting and are a best security practice for all elections regardless.

Polling sites as a fail-safe: Finally, if there are concerns that an eligible voter’s mail ballots could be lost or uncounted, in-person polling sites provide a mechanism to correct problems, provide essential services, and ensure that every eligible voter can cast a valid ballot. No system that relies on mail balloting can operate without accessible in-person voting sites, both for those who cannot or will not vote by mail and as a fail-safe to the inevitable problems that may arise. Election administration glitches, mail delivery problems, and data errors can prevent voters from receiving or submitting their ballots. Other voters, including many on Native American reservations, simply lack reasonable access to mail. And inconsistent ballot counting practices cause mail ballots in some communities to be rejected unfairly, or at higher rates. These are problems of access and administration, not fraud. And they can be readily solved at polling sites. ... mail-fraud

“Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday's success or put its failures behind and start over again. That's the way life is, with a new game every day, and that's the way baseball is.”
-- Bob Feller

Democracy Dies In Darkness - WAPO

Re: Politics

Now you may have a problem with the way some of these animals are hunted, and I admit, it is awful on the face. But a bureaucrat sitting in DC, or a pinko sitting in Chicago, may not realize just how plentiful some of these animals are in Alaska and how numbers need controlled. They may not realize the damage these animals do to a herd of cattle or sheep, or the damage deer and caribou may do to a vegetable crop or gardens. To ranchers and farmers who are just getting by as is.

I have no problems with thinning out animal over-population if done humanely AND legally.

I do have a problem with trophy hunting and poaching. Look what's happened in Africa between trophy hunters and poachers. Are there any northern white Rhinos left? The last male northern white died and only two females exist. The 45-year-old male rhino had been living under armed guard at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya before he died. I'd be naive if I thought this couldn't happen in Alaska.

I don't have a problem with states rights either if they do their due diligence in monitoring the hunting and fishing activities in Alaska. There's corruption on every level. We've seen it with this administration. Your reference to Zinke is a good example of corruption. I don't think the politicians in Alaska are any different. Again, it all comes down to the money and the lobbying Safari Club.

I do have a problem with Trump and his underlying ulterior motives with the decision other than torching another Obama policy.

Hunting methods for years were decried by wildlife protectors and finally banned as barbaric by the Obama administration. In 2017 Trump condemned trophy hunting as a “horror show.”

Trophy hunters, outfitters and Alaskans have 30 days to prepare to return to national preserves in Alaska with the revived practices. Among the reinstated tactics: killing wolves and coyotes, including pups, during the season when mothers wean their young, and using dogs to hunt bears.

“We have never opposed hunting, but this can hardly be considered hunting,” said Theresa Pierno, president and chief executive of the National Parks Conservation Association. “To be going into dens of hibernating bears and killing cubs and killing moms certainly is, I don’t think, the picture most people have of hunting.”

Expanding hunting rights on federal lands has been a priority under the Trump administration, and an issue championed by the president’s son, Donald Trump Jr., an avid hunter.

Didn't take Donald Trump Jr. to receive his permit to hunt grizzly bear. He was granted the permit to hunt north and east of Nome later this year. Trump already was scheduled for a hunt in November at the other end of the state. A hunt for Sitka black-tail deer and sea ducks aboard a luxury yacht auctioned by Safari Club International as a fundraiser for a youth hunting program, KTOO radio in Juneau.

Safari Club International, which promotes big-game hunting, auctioned a weeklong “dream hunt” through Alaska with the president’s son as part of its annual convention.

The Safari Club, which lobbied in favor of the rule, did not respond to a request for comment.

Get prepared for trophy hunters from around the globe to descend upon God's country know as Alaska.

Hillbily -

It's all about the money! ... a-48107687

Video shows US poachers killing hibernating bears

A video released by the Humane Society shows two men celebrating after they killed the hibernating animals. The group wants to draw attention to rollbacks of animal protections in the state. The video on Thursday showing an Alaska father and son illegally killing a hibernating bear and her cubs.

The poachers are seen celebrating after they kill the bear and her crying cubs in their den, saying, "They'll never be able to link us to this," and "We go where we want to kill shit."

The video was captured by surveillance cameras set up by wildlife authorities to observe the bears. The poachers were also captured by the camera two days later when they returned to get rid of the cubs' bodies and destroy evidence.

FYI - I don't plan on watching

“Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday's success or put its failures behind and start over again. That's the way life is, with a new game every day, and that's the way baseball is.”
-- Bob Feller

Democracy Dies In Darkness - WAPO

Re: Politics

Joe, you never read or listen to any point of view you don’t agree with, and that’s precisely why you are as uninformed as you are.

By the way, after I posted yesterday another thought struck me. The left always try to act like it is the right that is fascist.

Fact is, there is only one party that tried to silence the opposing Views on TV and radio, and that was a bill proposal called the Fairness Doctrine, and it was by Democrats.

There is only one party that used the IRS to target opposing political groups like the Tea Party, and that was democrats.

There is only one parties president that used the FBI and NSA to spy on opposing journalists, and that was a Democratic administration.

There is only one group that is constantly stifling free speech by shutting down campus speeches by people like Ann Coulter, Ben Shapiro, and Milo, and that is left wing groups.

There is only one group, who right now, is using the cancel culture to try and banish classic writers like Mark Twain and classic movies like Gone With The Wind.

There is only one group who right now is trying to erase our history instead of learning from it, by tearing down statues, and that is left wing protestors.

So which side bring thoughts of 1984?

Make no mistake, there are fascists in America right now, & they are left wingers. And you are everything you claim to hate. INTOLERANT!

Re: Politics

This guy is an embarrassment to the profession. Of course he didnt go to a top school!
Ohio senator’s unbelievably offensive remark requires more than apologies from colleagues
Today 5:31 AM
By Editorial Board | and The Plain Dealer
Leaders of the General Assembly should heed a call by the Ohio Legislative Black Caucus for sensitivity training to address racial and cultural biases among state legislators.

The training is indisputably needed. Too bad it wasn’t done sooner.

Sparking the call, sounded by OLBC President Stephanie Howse, a Cleveland Democrat, were words spoken at a Senate committee meeting by legislator/physician, Sen. Steve Huffman, a Tipp City Republican whose western Ohio district includes parts of Dayton.

The committee was considering whether to declare racism a public health crisis in Ohio, and Huffman asked a witness why the coronavirus pandemic is afflicting African Americans at a greater rate than it afflicts other populations.

“Could it just be that African Americans or the colored population do not wash their hands as well as other groups or wear a mask or do not socially distance themselves? That could be the explanation of the higher incidence?” Huffman asked.

Understandably, his deeply offensive use of the term “colored,” and Huffman’s implication that African Americans may not maintain personal cleanliness to the degree “other groups” purportedly do, touched off a firestorm.

Huffman, in the middle of a four-year Senate term, apologized. Senate President Larry Obhof, a Medina Republican, said he’d “spoken to [Huffman] and made clear that [Huffman’s statement] has no place in our discourse.” And Huffman’s employer, TeamHealth, fired Huffman from his job as an emergency room physician. The wording of Huffman’s question stoked an overdue discussion on the cultural and racial sensitivity of the General Assembly’s 132 members, of which 18 are African American.

George Washington Williams, a Cincinnati Republican, was the first black Ohioan elected to the legislature. That was in 1879 – 141 years ago. Today, about 13 percent of Ohio’s statewide population is African American. For that matter, of the voting-age residents of Huffman’s state Senate district when it was drawn in 2011, 24.2 percent of those men and women were African American.

Huffman should have known better than to say what he did, or think it. The fact he did not know should be troubling, and not just to the people he represents. Still, whether in the state Senate or Ohio’s House, it sometimes seems as if others among Ohio’s black and white legislators don’t know each other, or each other’s cultures, or the political challenges faced by each other’s constituents. Those are dangerous gaps that sensitivity training would help to bridge.

What the Ohio Legislative Black Caucus wants done needs doing – and will benefit Ohioans of every heritage.

Re: Politics

Couldn't read your NYT article Ken. I used up my views. Gotta pay or subscribe now.
“Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday's success or put its failures behind and start over again. That's the way life is, with a new game every day, and that's the way baseball is.”
-- Bob Feller

Democracy Dies In Darkness - WAPO