Re: Fantasy Ball

Gee, thanks, HB. It's only my third or fourth year doing Yahoo! fantasy. You remember I did Sandbox one or two years, but that was a long time ago. But I discovered as a teacher that no two students learn at exactly the same rate.

Re: Fantasy Ball


I gotta admit, I was planning on retiring from Fantasy ball, but as the football season draws closer I have changed my mind. Getting fired up to play. But when I just tried to join the league it wouldn't let me. I got this error ...


There is not room in this league if all teams from last year return. If you were invited to take over an existing team, please click the link in the email you received to join the league. To create a brand new team, get the commissioner to increase the maximum number of teams, or remove teams that will not be returning.


Can you try sending me an invite again? Maybe that would help. No hurry, whenever you get a free minute. Thank you.

Re: Fantasy Ball

My family started a fantasy football league this year. Our draft was today. It's my first time playing in an 8 team league. My team is loaded, but so is everyone else's. Should be interesting.

I've been reading Rusty's posts for too long. I ended up with Cam and Keenan Allen both.

Last pick of draft was mine. I took Cundiff at K. Figure the Browns can't score TDs, maybe they can get close enough for FG's.